"What is a heart if not an instrument of torture? It allows you to love, and then it snatches it all away. A fleeting moment of happiness in the vast abyss of time that's what it allows you." Ivy Logan
Ivy is extremely passionate about stories, especially those steeped in folklore, ancient myths, and legends. She loves tales suffused with the magic of unique realms and supernatural worlds. Her stories are often a blend of a fractured fairy tale and a dark fantasy but are also, always full of love and light. These original tales, pushing the barrier between fantasy and reality, challenge myths—does a dragon always have to be terrifying, why does the prince face the dragon, is a happily ever after defined by only two people madly in love, do blood diamonds only have to appear in gritty movies and non-fiction books? Can fantasy stories be about vulnerable characters and situations that we see in the world around us? Can fantasy books be written for non-fantasy lovers? Why exclude readers who love thrillers, mysteries, adventures and romance? The Breach Chronicles is for everyone—grown-ups and children. Ivy loves coloring outside the lines and her stories hold meaning for everyone who reads them.
It is interesting to note that Ivy enjoys writing clean stories about strong women and young girls who are far from perfect but find it in themselves to stand against injustice. Her characters are fighters, but they love, cry, hurt, and bleed. They believe in family, friendship, and sacrifice. They might live in fantasy worlds, but they are real, fragile and vulnerable, while being strong as you and I.
On Facebook and Twitter, Ivy is a big supporter of stories based on strong women both real and fictional and a cheerleader and supporter of the Twitter writing community. Readers and writers—it would be her pleasure to connect with you.